Cowra High School

Knowledge is Power

Telephone6342 1766



Years 7-10

English is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Through the study of English students learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, learning and enjoyment. Developing proficiency in English enables students to become confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and lifelong learners. Students develop their language skills through activities involving speaking and listening, reading and writing, and viewing and representing. They learn about language and literature through working with a wide range of print, spoken, visual, media, multimedia and digital texts.

The study of English in Years 7–10 aims to develop students’ knowledge, understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the English language and to develop their skills as effective communicators.

Students develop their control of language by reading and viewing a range of texts and by writing imaginative, interpretive and critical texts with clarity and accuracy for a range of purposes and audiences. Students engage with and explore literature of past and contemporary societies, as well as a range of spoken, visual, media and multimedia texts.

The English Years 7–10 course includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with disability.

Course requirements

Years 7-10:      In each Stage students study a wide range of texts including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, films, media, multimedia and digital texts for critical analysis, interpretation and pleasure. They respond to texts that are widely regarded as quality literature, Australian literature, including texts by and about Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People(s), and texts from different cultures and times that offer a variety of perspectives.  In Stage 5 students study a Shakespearean drama.

Years 11 and 12

Through the study of English in Stage 6 students continue to develop their capacity to understand and use the English language for a variety of purposes and in various textual forms. Students engage with and explore a variety of texts that include widely acknowledged quality literature of past and contemporary societies. Through their responding and composing of both critical and creative texts, students develop an understanding of themselves and of diverse human experiences and cultures. The study of English in Stage 6 provides students with opportunities to experiment with ideas and expression, to become innovative, active, independent learners, to collaborate and to reflect on their learning.

Students can select from a range of board developed courses, including:

English Advanced

In the English Advanced course, students continue to explore opportunities to investigate complex ideas in challenging texts, to evaluate, emulate and employ powerful, creative and sophisticated ways to use language to make meaning, and to find enjoyment in literature.

Students refine their understanding of the dynamic relationship between language, texts and meaning. They do this through critical study and through the skilful and creative use of language forms and features, and of structures of texts composed for different purposes in a range of contexts. Through study of the course modules students continue to develop their skills to question, reconsider and refine meaning through language, and to reflect on their own processes of responding, composing and learning.

English Standard

The English Standard course provides students, who have a diverse range of literacy skills, with the opportunity to analyse, study and enjoy a breadth and variety of English texts to become confident and effective communicators. English Standard offers a rich language experience that is reflected through the integrated modes of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing. Through study of the course modules students continue to develop their skills to analyse, reconsider and refine meaning and to reflect on their own processes of responding, composing and learning.

English Extension 1

The English Extension course provides students who undertake Advanced English and are accomplished in their use of English with the opportunity to extend their use of language and self-expression in creative and critical ways. The course is designed for students with an interest in literature and a desire to pursue specialised study of English.

Through engaging with increasingly complex concepts through a broad range of literature, from a range of contexts, students refine their understanding and appreciation of the cultural roles and the significance of texts and about the way that literature shapes and reflects the global world.

English Extension 2

The English Extension 2 course enables students who are accomplished in their use of English with the opportunity to craft language and refine their personal voice in critical and creative ways. They can master skills in the composition process to create a substantial and original Major Work that extends the knowledge, understanding and skills developed throughout Stage 6 English courses. Through the creative process they pursue areas of interest independently, develop deep knowledge and manipulate language in their own extended compositions. The course develops independent and collaborative learning skills and higher-order critical thinking that are essential at tertiary levels of study and in the workplace.

English Studies

This course is designed to meet the specific needs of students who wish to refine their skills and knowledge in English and consolidate their literacy skills. The English Studies course provides students with opportunities to become competent, confident and engaged communicators and to study and enjoy a breadth and variety of texts. Students explore the ideas, values, language forms, features and structures of texts in a range of personal, social, cultural, academic, community and workplace contexts. Through responding to and composing texts students strengthen their ability to access and comprehend information, assess its reliability, and synthesise the knowledge gained from a range of sources for a variety of purposes.

Course requirements

Years 11-12:

English Advanced - nil

English Standard - nil

English Extension 2 – This course is only offered to students in Year 12.  To be able to study English Extension 2, students must study English Advanced and English Extension in Year 11 and Year 12.

English Extension 1 – To be eligible for English Extension 1, students must be studying English Advanced in Year 11 and Year 12.

English Studies – To be eligible for an ATAR, students may elect to sit the HSC Examination.